Monday, July 20, 2009

Food and Video games.

I LOVE BLAZBLUE. M y fav rite arac er is A akune. I wish I had my own 360 so I could play it all day. It's a fighting game, but there is an actual storyline. Like, you know when you play a fighting game there's just like vs. player 2 or vs. cpu [arcade mode]? And then the CPU is just like HERES THIS GUY LOL ROUND 1 FITE!!!!!!!!1 ?? You know? This game [in story mode] has like a little "animation" for each round. It's not really a flowing animation, it's a background with the involved characters changing expressions and poses and stuff, but ya know. LOVE IT.
I'm kinda late with the BlazBlue love, but oh well.

Anyway, lately I've had this insatiable urge to cook and bake. And my mum is like ssslllllooooooooooooooow doooooooooooooooooown and I'm like fuck you! and I kick her in the face with my ENERGY LEGS. And I really really wanna open that tea house LIKERIGHTNOW. Oh well, more time to practice and plan, right? :3 I need to talk to a dude who's smart and can help me with that.
What else? I need to start playing pokemon again so I have motivation to draw more gross pokemon. WHY AM I SO UNMOTIVATED TO DO EEVVEERRYYTTHHIINNG. Is that a disease? Cure it. I feel more fat now, on a similar note. Like, I can feel my double chin there. All like gelatin. Squigglin' around, trying to make me look uglier. :( and my tummy shows through almost all of my shirts now! Great.

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