I drew these right now, all rushed! So it's not very good. I just wanted to stay true to my word because I just started. X]
Lately I've been watching too many shows involving professional pretty people, and it's made me want to step it up in terms of looks. I mean, in terms of looking like a girl, because a lot of the time I like to be androgynous. (I used to hate it!)
Strange things, time (and television) has changed me so much. XD Anyway, so now I want to try harder with makeup and wear better clothes. Better, but not necessarily expensive! And I said I would try wearing high heels on a regular basis so when I do have to wear them I don't walk like a disproportionate robot. (locked knees, about to fall over) ^^; I always feel like people would be weirded out by me changing very suddenly like this. But ffffffuck it. Some days I'll be a girl, some days I'll be in between, and you can get the fuck out if you don't like it!
In other news, I've laughed so much today that my abs hurt as if I have been working out. CRAZY. My dad bought a bar... that is for working out. It's just a 12-pound bar. I don't think you can attach it to a doorway or whatever and use it for pull ups either, it's just a pole-shaped weight. ...Weird.
Anyway, yeay.
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