Yesterday I went to the mall and I didn't buy A THING. Well, save for a 3-piece chicken tenders meal at Nathans. Oh, wait. I returned the chicken because I was almost finished with the first piece and there was something GREEN in it. DISGUSTING! It was almost bean shaped. That was the first time I returned food, that's for sure. I couldn't really eat much after that so I had a few fries and finished my iced tea. WTF. Later on my mum and I went to a play (it will remain unnamed because I completely forgot it.. it was something like "Finding the Rooster") It was really interesting and the actors were great. My mum's friend played an alcoholic mother. X] Her husband in the play totally reminded me of Daniel Day-Lewis (in There Will Be Blood). It was a play that made you think. There was a huge metaphor that the play circled around and I was like, "man, that's gotta MEAN something." and I just couldn't put my finger on it, but someone mentioned it afterwards and it was all like DING DING DING.
Cool beans.
Well, anyway, I'm hoping that I can buy lolita clothes from online... we'll see. X]
Here's more gross pokemon! (I didn't miss a day, it's just that the drawing was really shitty yesterday.) Click to enlarge!

Original pokemon:
[Mime Jr][Azurill]
You should do Gallade.