Friday, August 21, 2009

Yesssss. *rubs hands together*

I bought white fabric, navy blue fabric, lace, and two anchor patches. Can we sayyyy adorable sailor dress. FUCK YES.
Also bought these two awesome dudes. Click to enlarge.

[view two] [Deeeelighted!] [Heeeeello!] [Apollo=Godzirra]

Notice how NOT shitty the photos are? Yeah, that's my mum's camera. I always get the bullshit cameras. u__u oh well, I know I'm not really a photographer (I hate the lighting in the first one! Ugh.)
They're for halloween, but they're so awesome I'll keep 'em around all year. Those are the types of sculptures I wanted to make ;-; but the damn classes didn't give me any time. I've got clay in the house, so I'm considering trying it again.
Ah, so let me backtrack. I went shopping with my mum and my aunt. We went to a craft store (no fabric but felt, which I bought to make hats) and I encouraged my mum to pick up a sketchbook for herself. She's a fantastic artist and now that she has the time, she should start up again! I look forward to flipping through it (and showing you guys). She also bought a small one for me. We also bought these really cool messenger bags for $4 EACH. Can you fucking believe that? Finding a good one is hard, and then it being so CHEAP? Such a good find. She bought two and I bought two- one in black and one in yellow. I plan on drawing all over the yellow one. x]

Ah, I feel inspired.


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