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So I am SO LUCKY. Yesterday I picked up an original gameboy at unique! Of course, the sides are blanked out so i have to go in and fix it, but I don't have the right screwdriver so I have to buy one. (Is it me, or do I have to buy something new in every entry? T__T) I'm gonna paint it and go over it in clear nailpolish so it won't come off. I'm excited as hellllll.
So, Denise is over (as usual) XDD She's been over since the day before yesterday... we SPAZZED OUT. it was like 12am tuesday morning, and we got this huge burst of energy, we were listning to a weird remix of "Birthday Sex" and she was dancing all twitchy, and I was too, and then I ran over to the corner and started doing headstands and we were saying "TONE TONE, CHOCOLATE OR CHOCOLATE?!" "VANILLA" at eachother until like 1am, and then we just kinda died. It was RETARDED and hilarious. I still can't really do a headstand, I kept tumbling. :(
The next day I made dinner, chicken teriyaki with rice and salad with oranges. It didn't turn out the way I wanted, but it tasted DELICIOUS so it was fine. :) Eric and Devon also came over to eat. Yeayyy I like cooking dinner. :) My mum is away at my aunts house and so I've been having to do everything around the house. I fucking hate that I had to clean all the dishes after I cooked and then late at night Alex and or Dad eats 093218409387 things right after I cleaned everything up. FUCK!!
Anyway. I'm making a red velvet cake for when my mum comes back with my aunt on Friday. With fondant! So I can't wait for that. :)
I really really want to work on the project but I can't get started without Jennifer and Devon!! :(
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