I knew, as soon as I found out, that David Carradine died masturbating. Come on. Naked, hanged. They found out TODAY that it was accidental (although there's always room for murderrr). Pffft. I should be a CSI person. Except they should only give me "naked hanging" cases. CASE CLOSED, motherfucker! Sorry for being so blunt, but it's truuuue. Rest in Peace.
I did my laundry today! But I did it with my mum, which means I had to fold sheet and towels too. This is why I like to do my laundry by myself. :[
Today is a couple of people's birthday! You guys know who you are. Happy birthday!
Tomorrow is my mum's birthday. She said she didn't want to do anything, so I don't know what to do. :[ I don't even know what to do with myself on MY birthday.
I guess I'm just baking! :D
Here's some gross pokemon! (Click to enlarge)

x<-mantyke x<-smoochum.
Say happy b-day to yr mom x3!!
ReplyDeleteEven if she may not remember me xDD!!
o0o Pokemooon!!