Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ALL of the corners.

What do people think?
I have nothing to do besides looking for a job. Are there any corners of my mind untouched? No. Job searching can only last so long when you do it every- to every-other day. Why do people ask me stupid questions? I always wonder what people think. Do they think that it's because I'm unemployed that I'm uneducated? Or maybe the other way around? I think at most the other way around.
Do I want to move on? Yes yes yes yes yes yes. Please. Let's.
Why do people think I'm just having the time of my life? 24 hours a day is too much time to think about things. I'm tired of it. My sleep is interrupted by thought. My actions in general tend to be interrupted by thought lately. They always just pop up and wander off or morph into other things.
Because of this I haven't been able to maintain the cuteness. The bangs are back in front of the face. The slouch remains. Again my love for things cute has receded back inside of me and will remain for an undetermined amount of time hidden like a terrible secret. When all of the corners are constantly reviewed I think it's normal for this to happen.

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